Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pleasant Lake Camping, June 17-20, 2019

Hello Everyone,
     Peggy, Sally and I are camping at Pleasant Lake Campground, Pennelville, NY (NW of Syracuse) June 17-20th.  The first night I went to take a shower, and low and behold, no hot water.  I tried to find the problem. The water tank was full of hot water. We were tired and it was late so I took a shower in the camp’s shower.  My problems had only begun.  I was ready to take a shower and …no water… As you may know, mechanical thinking is not my forte. So what do I do no? God must have been with me because I saw a timer switch on the wall and I said, “I wonder what would happen if I turn it on?”  I did and the water started running, but only for a few minutes.  So I got out of the shower and turned the timer on again.  I must say, the hot shower felt really good.

Today, June 18, the camper still has no hot water.   I tried to fix the problem on my own...  Didn’t work. Then with your prayers and asking God for help, I said to myself to think through what is happening: I verified that the valves that control input and output from the hot water heater were in the correct position. And, low and behold, while doing this I paid attention to the feel of the turning of the valve.  The hot water output value didn’t feel like it was turning.  Come to find out, the plastic handle has a square mold that slips over the brass valve stem and was worn and slipping.  Thus, the hot water valve was stuck in the off position and water couldn’t pass from the tank.  Now we have hot water.  Can't "Glamp" without hot running water. 
     Peggy was reading Underground, a Human History of the Worlds Beneath Our Feet, by Will Hunt.  She quoted page 166, the following, “GETTING LOST, WROTE SOLNIT, is like the beginning of finding our way, or finding another way.” Thank you God for this relevant insight to my conundrum.
     God Bless you. Peggy and Jim. 

With heartfelt and warmest regards,
Jim and Peggy and Sally

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